The beloved Nickelodeon series created a mature, nuanced episode that deconstructed the chaotic relationship between its titular leads, teaching us important lessons about atonement and forgiveness.
Beautifully written! I couldn't agree more. This was an incredible episode.
But what about josh?
He was so much better without him, why should he throw it all away because drake feels bad and breaks down crying.
Josh had to indoor this feelings for years, you don't see him breaks down every episode.
Why should'nt we feel good for josh and be glad that things finaly goes his way
Beautifully written! I couldn't agree more. This was an incredible episode.
But what about josh?
He was so much better without him, why should he throw it all away because drake feels bad and breaks down crying.
Josh had to indoor this feelings for years, you don't see him breaks down every episode.
Why should'nt we feel good for josh and be glad that things finaly goes his way